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  1. Do you agree with the key issues for agriculture? 

  2. Are there other key agriculture issues that you want to see addressed in the NSSCP? Comment below.

Strongly Support67%
I would agree mostly with the key issues but not so much with the suggestions on how to address the issues. Designating lands to IAL IS NOT and should not be the alternative. There has to be options available to support the lands as well as the land owner/tenant. Agriculture is not just crops. Livestock plays a large part in the success of Agriculture. Who would provide the “guidance” for “appropriate” use of Ag Lands?? Food Hubs also need to be carefully reviewed as it is also another hidden development opportunity that provides opportunity for severe mis use of lands.
It's important not only to preserve ag lands for the future, but to properly USE ag lands today and into the future. There are still too many large landowners splitting ag lands into tiny parcels and selling them off for absurd prices that no farmer can afford. They are scooped up for luxury houses and not used to grow food. One solution to this might be to keep the ag parcels larger and bring down the price per acre, or having the county/state purchase the lands and lease to legitimate farmers at affordable rates.
Small farmers need to be supported by making land available to them at an affordable price.