Citizens Planning Advisory Committee


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The Citizens Planning Advisory Committee (CPAC) is a 31-member voluntary advisory committee for the NSSCP update. The CPAC will not be tasked with decision-making or formal voting on elements or policies in the NSSCP update. Final approval of the NSSCP update rests with the Honolulu City Council. The role of the CPAC is to:

  1. Provide input that collectively reflects a broad range of community interests, neighborhoods, and perspectives on long-range planning issues.
  2. Advise the NSSCP Project Team on different aspects of plan development, including identification of policy issues, identification of relevant data and information to support different analyses, development of vision elements and supporting policies, interpretation of how different elements and policies might be received by the broader community, and approaches for engaging the broader community.
  3. Review and provide feedback on draft materials such as vision, policies, and the Draft NSSCP Update document.


The CPAC members were selected to represent a diversity of interests, organizations, neighborhoods, and demographics within the North Shore community. Attention was given to including some members of the CPAC from the 2011 NSSCP update for continuity, while also making room for new participants and perspectives.

CPAC Meeting Materials

View CPAC meeting minutes and materials to date below.

Meeting #1 (01/21/21)

Meeting #2 (03/25/21)

Meeting #3 (05/18/21)

Meeting #4 (06/17/21)

Meeting #5 (07/15/21)

Meeting #6 (08/19/21)

Meeting #7 (09/21/21)

Meeting #8 (10/21/21)

Meeting #9 (11/16/21)

Meeting #10 Part 1 (06/29/23)

Meeting #10 Part 2 (08/21/23)

Meeting #10 Part 3 (08/31/23)